A bit of exuberance in order after a week in Montreal working with TVA Sports using Silver Horn Media’s SITE:
(Sportscaster Initiative for Team Enrichment).
What Is SITE?
Sports broadcasters develop their talents with a relentless and often solitary focus on individual improvement as a professional broadcaster. The constant focus on ‘self’, limits and obscures the real space where great broadcasts thrive, in the relationship between play by play and analyst, between teammates in the broadcast and between on camera talent and the fans they serve.
SITE is designed to train broadcasters to understand that the only way to achieve excellence, is to make everyone else around you better. To do this requires a complex reimagining of priorities, focusing on your teammates, emphasizing listening,encouraging a deeper awareness of how humans communicate and specific tools and recommendations to improve sports programs and game broadcasts by focusing on the power of emotional connection.
This is SITE: Silver Horn Media’s Sportscaster Initiative (for) Team Enrichment program!